#1 Neymar - Barcelona to PSG - £198m - 2017

Neymar is often touted as the third best player in the World. According to many fans and pundits alike, Neymar moved to PSG from Barcelona to make an identity of his own and to get out of the shadow of Lionel Messi.
The transfer of Neymar is arguably the most significant transfer in the history of the transfer market, and at the time of the transfer, it was hard to believe that his transfer more than doubled the previous world record of highest transfer.
There was no exact figure out for this deal but when all the bonuses and his housing facilities were taken into consideration it was roughly estimated that this deal cost almost half a billion dollars.
Neymar's transfer was an incident which started a chain reaction of costly transfers with Dembele's and Coutinho's transfer being a direct result of Neymar's departure.