#3 Nigel Pearson
Footballers and managers get paid quite a lot. So much so, that a few of them think they are impervious to any criticism and are above the fans, clubs they represent and the media representatives. While it's wrong to make such assumptions, any footballer who thinks he is above everyone else should take a second and think it's the fans' money they live on at the end of the day.
While we've had ample examples of players with their moments of shenanigans against the fans, at times, managers also cross the line. Take the example of former Leicester Cty manager Nigel Pearson.
Pearson's Leicester managed a lucky escape before going on to win the title, but it was a rather sombre story before the final few weeks of that season.
Pearson got into verbal altercations with both the fans and media representatives. In a home game against Liverpool that the Foxes eventually went on to lose, Pearson couldn't stand an abusive fan and told him to "f*** off and die" if he couldn't watch his side lose.
The response drew a lot of criticism and Pearson apologised after that. However, it didn't take long for him to get embroidered in another incident. In a press conference, Pearson accused a journalist of not knowing what he was talking about.
Pearson spoke about the criticism his players received after defeats and when journalist Ian Baker asked him about what the criticism was specifically, the former manager replied saying, "I think you must have either your head in the clouds, or been away on holiday, or reporting on a different team, because if you don’t know the answer to that question . . your question is absolutely unbelievable, the fact you do not understand where I am coming from. If you don’t know the answer to that question then I think you are an ostrich. Your head must be in the sand. Is your head in the sand? Are you flexible enough to get your head in the sand? My suspicion would be no."