#1 Stadium Of Light – Sunderland

The very first ghostly appearance that was confirmed in the stadium was back in 2005. Two backstage members claimed that a dark appearance in the corridors of the stadium. But this was left unnoticed because of some other people who opposed this incident by saying it was nothing but some other person that they have seen.
But the very same was confirmed on Live T.V. During an episode of MNF (Monday Night Football) which was aired on Skysports, many fans noticed an unusual activity on the ground.
According to the fans and the footage (which you can see below), a groundsman is seen walking on the pitch but after a fraction few seconds, he was seen vanished into the air like a ghost (which many fans believe it still is).
The same incident also happened a few times which has convinced most of the fans that it's a spirit that is walking down on the ground in front of them, not a normal human being.