#3 Radja Nainggolan – Honda Civic
A lot of people might be offended by this comparison since Honda isn’t really a glamorous car like some of the ones mentioned here, but bear with me on this one.
Imagine going out on a drive with your loved one. It is just an aimless drive as you pass through unchartered territories consisting of uneven terrains or slippery roads. However, you are not scared because you know that your car won’t fail you because it is a Honda – the most reliable car in the world.
The others might have expensive sports cars, but for you, your Honda is the best and you won’t sell it for anything else.
That is what Radja Nainggolan is – he is Roma's Mr. Reliable. According to research, Honda is the most reliable car brand as they have a failure rate of 0.29% - something you could say about Radja Nainggolan.
The Belgian is one of the best box-to-box midfielders in the world and has been one of Roma’s most important players. Despite being highly coveted, he has stuck with Roma and is trying to forge them into a European giant.
This is why he is a Honda Civic – ever-consistent and reliable, with nothing too flashy about him.