#3 The country is crazy about the team

International matches have a way of bringing the citizens of a country together. This is especially true for the World Cup.
The atmosphere at a World Cup match is often electric, as the stadium is roaring with the screams of ardent supporters that have traveled hundreds of miles to see their teams play. The streets are often empty when a country is playing, as every citizen sits at home, glued to the television screen, hoping for a victory. This is not an anomaly, this is a part of international football.
Iceland is still a rather fresh face on the international stage, however, they have amassed a rabid fan-base in little-to-no time. Their fans are loud, they are enthusiastic and they push their team to consistently do better.
These statements are not platitudes, as 98.6% of the country's population watched a Euro 2016 match of Iceland versus Hungary on Iceland TV. If those numbers hit 100 for the World Cup, it really will not be that surprising.