#1 They have moved up 27 places in FIFA Rankings over the last 5 years

5 years ago, Iceland's national team ranking was 49th. Today, they are 22nd, which means that over the last 5 years, they have moved up by approximately 27 places in FIFA rankings. Allow that to sink in for just a moment.
This is precisely why calling Iceland's run to the World Cup a miracle is problematic, because it is not a miracle. It is a testament to the sustained hard work of the team's coaches and players over the years to consistently improve upon past achievements and become as good as possible.
There is no magic involved, there is no super serum, there is only planning and execution and there is no denying those plans have been executed to perfection.
Do you think that Iceland's wonderful run will come to a halt at the World Cup? Are they deserving of their spot?
Share your views in the comments below!