#3 Best: Jack Wilshere – smartly shaved
One of the unwritten rules of men’s hairstyles is that once the hair starts to thin out, it’s probably best to just get rid of the lot.
The completely bald look doesn’t work for everyone – few footballers would be able to pull off the Stone Cold Steve Austin look – but shaved all over, usually with a stubbly beard to compliment the look, can be cool. Just ask David Beckham, who popularised the look in the early 2000’s.
Despite being one of the most naturally talented players produced by England in recent memory, one thing Jack Wilshere, unfortunately, isn’t blessed with is a great hairline.
Even in his youth, his hair appeared to be somewhat receding, and last season at the grand old age of 25, he appeared to be turning into Alan Shearer before our eyes, in hairstyle at least.
So returning to Arsenal this season, Wilshere has done the smart thing and simply shaved the lot off. Not only does he look 100% cooler, but he also looks tougher, more experienced, and certainly ready to lead England into battle in the World Cup this summer.
It’s a massive upgrade from the thinned-out look he was sporting last season and like Beckham before him, he could bring the shaved look back into vogue.