#2 Muller's passport
When we enter a company for a job, we have a lot of responsibilities to fulfil. Footballers are no different. While it seems as though their only job is to play and do well, there are others things that also fall under their job responsibility.
One of them is speaking to the media. This can be a very entertaining thing or something utterly dreadful.
For Thomas Muller, the latter is perhaps the case. Whilst returning from Doha, Muller used his passport as a phone in order to avoid the media. The German wasn’t making it to Carlo Ancelotti’s line-up back then in January and was perhaps expecting questions about it—something that he wasn’t too keen to answer.
So he stuck the passport to his ear and was seemingly talking to it while crossing the horde of reporters at the Munich airport. The grin on his face was actually the hilarious thing out of this.