#3 Trying out a new league

He has already played in La Liga for four years at Barcelona. This season, he played in the French Ligue 1 with PSG and it was apparent that the league is way below his level of genius as he scored and assisted for fun.
When, however, he took on Real Madrid, it was a real test for him – but he failed. One can’t put the entire blame on him because, throughout the season, he had played against teams that were far too inferior to PSG.
Heck, his opponents were even below the mid and lower table teams of Spain. So playing in such a league can actually harm him given that performing at even 70 to 80 percent of his ability is enough to raise hell against the opposing teams in Ligue 1.
Also, when a player continues playing at 70 to 80 percent continuously, his level automatically drops. For this reason, he has to leave Ligue 1 but since he has already played in La Liga, trying out a new league would be better.
So, between Real Madrid and Manchester United, which club offers him the chance to play in the Premier League? Imaginary brownie points for guessing.