#1 Lionel Messi

Finally, Barcelona's all about Leo, isn't it? Fact is, it's true. Barcelona are heavily dependant on Lionel Messi, and he always seems to produce the goods! His contribution to the team is immense, scoring 40% of the goals for Barca in La Liga, and also grabbing 3 assists.
He also has 4 in 4 in the Champions League. The others definitely need to step up in attack, but, until Messi is there in Barcelona, he is always gonna be the factor that would win them the Champions League. Messi's form this season has been insane this season.
After Neymar's departure, his involvement in Barcelona's play has increased drastically - number of successful dribbles per game has bolted from 3.7 last season to 6.2 this season, his average number of passes has increased to 52 from 47, and he has been dispossessed 4 times every 90 mins this season to 2.6 times every 90 mins last season.
The number of times he has been dispossessed gives an indicator of how much of the ball Messi has seen, which shows an increase in the involvement of the game.
The form of this genius footballer could be enough to determine the chances of Barcelona in the Champions League. And from the glimpses of football that he has provided us so far this season, Messi has reassured that the chances for FC Barcelona are pretty good with him on the team.