#4 The natural leader has never been replaced

His name is still sung like no other on the Kop, and will be for a number of years to come. In fact, as he takes his first steps into coaching with the clubs youngsters, it already seems inevitable that Steven Gerrard will eventually be offered the opportunity to lead Liverpool off the field like he used to do on it.
However, his leadership has not been replaced, and current captain Jordan Henderson falls short in what are difficult boots to fill.
Gerrard's finest moment came in the Champions League as he inspired the most unlikely comeback against AC Milan in Istanbul in the 2004/05 final to lift the trophy, and while the Premier League title eluded him during his playing career, his immediate successors are likely to experience the same disappointment.
Jurgen Klopp has the character of a natural captain and leader, and he kicks every ball on the touchline. It is natural in football for managers to appoint a captain with similar characteristics to themselves, but Klopp does not currently have a trusted lieutenant that he can turn to in order to take charge of situations on the field.
It is a major failing, and it is difficult to see who will take on this role unless an outsider it brought in for that specific purpose.