#1 The passion to win

Zinedine Zidane may not be known as the most tactically astute manager, but he sure knows how to win football matches. Even he himself admits that; he once said: "I am not the best coach tactically, but I have passion and illusion... and that's more important."
We have seen throughout his managerial career that Zidane doesn't destroy the opponent with some great tactics. All he does is motivate his players, generate in them the hunger to win and of course stick to the basics.
The enthusiasm with which his players competed, winning many matches for him in the dying minutes, shows how good he is at motivating them. In the Champions League Real Madrid faced many tough rivals like Bayern, Juventus, Liverpool and PSG, but they managed to defeat all of them.
All we can say is that Zidane knows how to win, and surely that is the most important thing Chelsea players need. They need the motivation, the passion and the hunger to win games.