#3 Ronaldinho
Ronaldinho, Ronaldinho, Ronaldinho… man, what was he anyway? Was he an incarnation of God that was misled to the wrong path by the fallen angel? Or was he just a human who fell prey to his vices? I think the second narrative suits logic more while the first one gives him a more mystical feel, which he deserves.
Whatever be the case, the bottom-line is that Ronaldinho was a talent so good that the universe conspired against him so that he never reached his true potential. Had he done, then his achievements would have gone above and beyond any players’ reach.
When someone is great, they inspire people to be the same. When someone is impossible to replicate, they demotivate people to the point that they quit trying altogether. Ronaldinho had the potential to be the greatest player of all time but drained it all down with the booze that he had gulped incessantly.
You think I am exaggerating? Just watch some of his goals and you will realise that I am actually understating his abilities as a player. Just watch him take Sergio Ramos to the cleaners in a Clasico match. Just watch him take the mickey out of England players in the World Cup 2002.
Just watch him – that’s enough in itself.