#3 Finish in the Top 4
Finishing in the top four of the Premier League is more than ever important and at the same time, it is more difficult than ever. With the rise of teams like Tottenham and Liverpool, they have successfully managed to dump Arsenal out of the Top 4.
This season Chelsea missed out of the Top four and it means loss of reputation but financial loss as well. Nowadays finishing is not only about playing in the Champions League next season, but it means plenty of financial rewards as well.
For a top club like Chelsea who have missed out on Top 4 two times in three years, finishing in the Top four is a must, as Chelsea is a club that belongs to Europe's most elite competition the Champions League and finishing in the Top 4 guarantees that.
Having a Champions League position makes it a bit easier for a club like Chelsea to attract world-class talents into their squad and perform well in the transfer market. As every player wants to play in the Champions League and for a club like Chelsea offering Champions League to its transfer targets is very important.
If they again in the new season fail to reach the Top four they will be in the danger of becoming another club like Arsenal who after enjoying so much success are in decline.