#1 Goalscoring rate

Football is all about scoring goals and the Barca forward has been born to do just that. Of course, Cristiano Ronaldo has scored a lot more goals as compared to Leo Messi, but the Argentine has a better goalscoring rate than his arch-rival.
Albeit Messi started his professional career a year after Cristiano Ronaldo did, he has maintained a goalscoring rate of 0.81 goals per game as compared to Ronaldo's 0.70.
When the statistics of their best seasons are pitted against each other, Leo Messi once again trumps the 32-year-old, proving why he is a shade more skilful as a goalscorer.
Ronaldo's best season came in 2014-15, in which he netted a total of 61 goals in 54 appearances. Messi, on the other hand, grabbed 73 goals in 60 matches in the 2011-12 season. The Argentine achieved an average of 1.19 goals per game ahead of Ronaldo's 1.10.
Shouldn't these numbers clear the air on who the more efficient goal-scorer is?