#4 Roy Keane

Former Sunderland manager and Premier League winner with Manchester United as a player, Roy Keane is currently Ireland's assistant manager as well as a media pundit, expertly breaking down teams, players and their playing styles. The Irishman may not be the most articulate pundit in the game but puts across his point of view very bluntly.
An experienced figure, Keane brings a whole host of knowledge and expertise to the Premier League discussion in particular. With over 30 years' experience, he's perfectly placed to talk about the league he managed to lift on multiple occasions as Manchester United captain.
With his simple tactical breakdowns and disregard for off-game commercial knowledge, Keane is able to provide viewers with significant insight into the simplicity of professional tactics. Despite being relatively new in the media, it's likely that he'll be eager for another managerial job when the right one comes along.
A strong holding midfielder during his career, Keane was an intelligent footballer who provided cover for his backline and captained Alex Ferguson's side to Premier League triumphs.