#2 Harry Kane to Manchester United
Source of this rumour?
This is actually the absurd part as an Italian outlet, TuttoMercatoWeb, believe that they know about the talks between two clubs in England. The outlet claims that Manchester United are reportedly in talks with Tottenham over a potential Harry Kane move.
Why this won’t happen?
I mean, come on? Why do you even ask? Remember the time Luka Modric was being courted by Chelsea and the Croatian desperately wanted to leave, but Daniel Levy blocked the move and sold him to Real Madrid next year instead?
Yep, this is what I am trying to imply: that Daniel Levy will not sell to a Premier League club. He would rather let him go to the club that he loathes, Real Madrid, than sell him to Manchester United.
Also, United have only just spent £75 million for a striker, so spending another £200 million for a single player is not something they seem likely to do anytime in the near future.