#2 He can play the Guitar too!

Now that's really cool, don't you think?
On New Year's Eve in 2013, Messi's wife Antonella Rocuzzo uploaded a photo of herself and Messi which showed the Barcelona forward playing a guitar in their garden. Antonella, herself, could also be seen playing a toy guitar in the photo.
In 2014, the Argentinian featured in a program 'Follow Your Dreams', a project of Jose Manuel Pinto which aims at helping young and talented musicians achieve their dreams. Messi also revealed that he enjoys playing the guitar and stated as follows:
“I really like it but I still don’t know much about it. It relaxes me and it allows me to disconnect from everything.”
Also, a collaboration between music platform Deezer and FC Barcelona has granted fans the chance to find out Messi's music tastes.
Deezer released a playlist of the 30-year-old's 12 favourite musical numbers. The playlist includes several reggaeton tracks and Latin songs, showing that the player still remains close to his Argentinian roots, in spite of having settled in Barcelona since 2001.
Last but not the least, here's the 12-song playlist for all the hardcore Messi fans, courtesy Marca!