3. Lucas Paqueta:
Lucas Paqueta currently plays for Flamengo in Brazil top division and as such his talents have not gone unnoticed. He plays at the right side of midfield three at Flamengo. He is a complete midfielder and can play a compendium of multiple roles. As a midfielder, he is responsible for making plays in transitioning the ball forwards to the wide wingers as well as the center forwards. This is in addition to the fact that his defensive contribution is also huge. He contributes towards winning aerial duels as well as in tackles and interceptions.
The ability to play at any part of the pitch, providing crucial assists to goal scorers as well as defensive capabilities make him a great potential. Scouts from England, France, and Spain are all looking to book a deal for him and once he gets his move to a top European club, it will be a treat for football fans. At 21 years old, he will only improve and he has a lot to offer at the topmost level of football.