#5 Keeping it in the family

Ryan Giggs had always seemed like an upstanding and loyal man considering his years of service at Manchester United. That image of him, however, was blown to smithereens when news of his affairs surfaced in 2011. Yes, you read that right, affair, not one but three of them.
The first one was with Imogen Thomas, a reality TV star. Apparently, Giggs even had an injunction imposed so that the news couldn’t get out but an MP used his parliamentary privilege to have the information disclosed.
If news of his seven-month long affair wasn’t enough, his sister-in-law, Natasha Giggs, his brother’s wife came out saying they had been sleeping behind his brother Rhodri’s back for eight years. Yet another woman came out claiming a two-year affair with the Welsh international. News of Giggs’s infidelity ruined his relation with his family. Even though his wife Stacey stood by him, Giggs wasn’t invited to his own father’s wedding.