#7 Loathe Cristiano Ronaldo
This is the final step in your quest to be a Barcelona fan. Hating Real Madrid is not enough, you have to also hate their best goal-scorer, Cristiano Ronaldo. Especially because Madridistas dare to claim that he is better than Messi.
Cristiano Ronaldo is just a player who is, and forever will be, in the shadow of Lionel Messi.
No matter what he does, Messi can do it better. This is just the truest fact you will ever come across. It doesn’t matter that the Portuguese has an international title to his name. You can always counter that argument with an unbeatable logic: Messi has more children than Cristiano and they are also cuter than Cristiano Jr.
Apart from that, Messi has more tattoos, more accolades and more growth hormones. You can also add the fact that the Argentine is a hero of the common person because he refuses to bend to the corporate-run government and pay them taxes, which, in turn, means that he doesn’t play a role in making the rich richer. Messi is the true Robin Hood of our age.
Cristiano Ronaldo is just there to be the adversary of the God that Messi is because, without the devil, you will never know the true transcendence of God. And you have to detest the evil that the former Manchester United forward is.
This will complete your journey and you will be a true F.C. Barcelona fan.