#4: Scott Sinclair vs Manchester United in 2011

If it wasn’t bad enough that Scott Sinclair was playing his football in Wales, his shocker in front of goal at Swansea’s Liberty Stadium against Manchester United in November 2011 only compounded his problems. The good news for us onlookers is that we can all have a laugh at the poor bloke’s expense.
United had a goal lead, but Sinclair looked all set to cancel that out when the ball fell his way. Wayne Routledge looped a cross in which stranded United keeper David De Gea and had Swans fans already celebrating. But Sinclair, in all his great wisdom, proceeded to miss the ball entirely, tangling his feet up as he nutmegged himself.
Swansea ultimately lost by a solitary goal, meaning Sinclair’s error proved even more costly. He claimed afterward that it came to him quickly and he didn’t get a proper contact on it – not sure many were buying that. Oh well, chin up Scott, at least you aren’t actually Welsh.