#2 Zinedine Zidane and Claude Makelele (Real Madrid and France)

The Galacticos have defined Real Madrid this century and none were as technically gifted as the mercurial Zinedine Zidane. Blessed with the ability to pull rabbits out of the hat at will, Zidane enthralled the audiences each time he took the field.
However, while Zizou was grabbing all the headlines with his silky displays, there was a quiet, unassuming Frenchman behind him, who built a living being the ‘destroyer’ and mopping up after every opposition attack.
The Frenchman in question is arguably the greatest defensive midfielder to have stepped on to a football field: Claude Makelele.
Makelele was strong in the tackle and was unrivalled in his anticipation. To the annoyance of the opposition attackers, he was always in the right place at the right time. He was the complete defensive midfielder and while he may not have hogged the limelight, he was probably the most important Galactico of them all.
With him guarding the back four, Zidane was given freedom to roam across the pitch and cause havoc. And boy, did he do that.
The duo of Zidane and Makelele were so different in their outlook towards the game yet they formed as formidable a partnership as any. Probably that is the beauty of football: the ability to bring two completely contrasting personalities together and letting them provide a spectacle for the whole world.
Hence, for these reasons, they take the runner-up spot in our list.