A 16-member All India Football Federation Regional Academy Team landed in Shizuoka, Japan to participate in the U-14 SAARC Programme. The Programme is being held from October 7-20, 2012. This is the first overseas exposure trip for AIFF’s Regional Academy boys.
The boys headed into the Programme from a National Training Camp which was organised at the Pailan World School in Pailan. Mr. Sajid Dar stays the Head Coach with Goutam Ghosh being his deputy while Vishnu Nair is the pyhsio of the team.
The list of the boys stays as follows:
Goalkeeper: Sam Noronha (Goa), Subrata Das (West Bengal).
Defenders: Amey Ganesh Ranawade (Maharashtra), Jayananda Singh (Manipur), Jerry Lalrinzuala (Mizoram), Prasenjit Chakraborty, Amit Tudu (both from West Bengal),
Midfielders: Aaron Franklin Hermiz (Goa), Saravanan Kiran (Karnataka), Bugde Vineet Vikas (Goa), Bodo Baoringdao (Assam), Kyntiew Shaphrang Kharlukhi (Meghalaya),
Forwards: Md. Hasil (Kerala), Krishna Pandit (Chandigarh), Zonunmawia (Mizoram), Laishram Bedashwor Singh (Manipur).