The All India Football Federation have appointed Retd. Justice A.K Ganguly (Former Judge, Supreme Court of India) and Chairperson of West Bengal Human Rights Commission as an Independent “One Man committee” to hold and undertake as expeditiously as possible, a detailed evaluation of all aspects arising out of or related to the I-League Match between Kingfisher East Bengal and McDowell Mohun Bagan on 9 December 2012 at Yuba Bharati Krirangan, Salt Lake City, Kolkata including the consequential resultant effect in consonance with applicable I-League regulations 2012-13.
Justice A.K. Ganguly will be giving directions accordingly and is expected to commence hearing on the subject issue from 24th December 2012 in New Delhi. AIFF and McDowell Mohun Bagan shall be given an opportunity to appear in the hearing through their respective authorised/legal representatives.