The All India Football Federation is extremely concerned and surprised by the statements made by Mr. Kalyan Mazumder, the General Secretary of Kingfisher East Bengal club in the media. It appears that serious aspersions and imputations have been made against the All India Football Federation and its officials directly and by innuendo by Mr. Kalyan Mazumder, inter alia, to the extent that the decision of the Executive Committee in respect of and arising out of reference by McDowell Mohun Bagan was obtained through “under hand and/and or under the table modus”. Such aspersions have been made through print media publications with clear intent to denigrate and defame the All India Football Federation and its responsible office bearers, which would cause damage and serious prejudice to the reputation, image, credibility and goodwill of the AIFF.
AIFF has taken serious note of the above uncalled for and malicious defamatory statements, which are in clear breach of the AIFF Disciplinary Code as well as the AIFF Code of Ethics and accordingly necessary actions is being initiated against Mr. Mazumder, the General Secretary of Kingfisher East Bengal Club.