Mike Dean in the spotlight
Being a referee is one of the most thankless jobs in the world. The entire world is on you, the moment you make a mistake and none of the good work, ever gets any attention. And whilst it is bad enough that all this pressure is put on them, when players go about trying to con the referee, it makes his job, all the more difficult.
To put things into perspective, the only contentious decision referee Mike Dean got wrong in the game, was a tackle from Mikel on Arteta, that should have warranted a red card, but Mikel escaped without so much as a ticking off.
Aside from that, the referee was more than happy to let play go on. And whilst it is easy to question the referee when he gets something wrong, why doesn’t anybody question Azpilicueta or Ivanovic for rolling on the floor and trying to con the referee when the contact was minimal to say the least.
And unless players change, referees will continue to be the scapegoats.