#2 Slow your Roll
Don't be eager to take in too much too soon. After all, you don't want to become a real football fan. Learn the basics, but don't sweat the details. You will pick up the jargon as long as you're listening when the football is being discussed. Unfortunately, that part’s unavoidable. Instead, when it gets overwhelming, close your eyes and find your happy place. Picture yourself on a cruise ship in the Caribbean where the words Chelsea and Financial Fair Play are never used in the same sentence.
This relaxed approach will give you the inner strength and the confidence to engage football fans without stressing yourself out. You will absorb the important and learn that not everyone or everything is worth knowing about.
Your nirvanic state will allow you to respond to questions like, 'Do you know how many goals Samir Nasri assisted in 2009?' with a 'No one gives a toss about Samir Nasri,' of your own. This will be greatly appreciated by all as no one really does give a toss about Samir Nasri.