#3 Social Media in time saves lives
Twitter and Facebook are home to a certain section of football fans called keyboard warriors. They are in love with the fact that they know more than the average fan. What's important to know here is that a quick search for a keyword on social media will give you something topical to talk about at all times.
Are your mates discussing James Rodriguez? Search for him on Twitter and the first thing you'll probably say is, 'I think he needs to find a new club to really thrive and develop.' Your mates will look at you with a new found respect and probably let you have a slice of the pizza all of you ordered together; for a change.
Don't forget afterwards to send a ‘thank you’ into the universe towards @HalaMadrid26, who is the person to have actually come up with that James related thought. In fact, follow him because he will give you a lot of things to say about Madrid related topics. He probably tweets a hundred times a day and isn't Wikipedia too text-y anyway? Oh, and by the way, Hala Madrid is not the salute of a new Fascist Spanish state. Well, it is in a way, but let's not go there.