Bengaluru FC on Friday announced the loan signings of three players from the now-defunct Pailan Arrows squad. Goalkeeper Soram Poirei, midfielder Randhan Meitei and defender Shankar S will be part of Ashley Westwood’s squad till the end of the season.
A player from Pune FC’s youth academy, twenty-two-year-old Poirei played for Shillong Lajong in the 2011-12 season before spending the next season at Pailan Arrows. Local lad Shankar – who has had a taste of the I-League with Hindustan Aeronautics Limited – and Meitei from Manipur complete the list.
“The boys come highly recommended from assistant coach Pradhyum Reddy and we will, over the next few months, be providing them with a platform to do well in Indian football. We will also be assessing them to see if they can make their way into a highly competitive squad,” said Bengaluru FC coach Ashley Westwood.