The 10th edition of the Chandigarh Under-17 Administrator’s Cup will be organised by the Sports Department of the Chandigath Administration from October 15 to 23 at the Chandigarh Football Academy Ground, Sports Complex in Sector 42 and the Football Stadium in Sector 17.
A total of 15 teams in the Under-17 boys from clubs, academies and state associations from across India will be taking part in the tournament.
The participating teams will be Mahilpur Football Academy (Punjab); Sambalpur Football Academy (Orissa); Aizwal FC (Mizoram); Sahayatri Football Club, Howrah (West Bengal); Gorkha Training Centre, Shillong (Meghalaya); Thau Sports Academy (Manipur); Rohit Football Academy, Cuttack (Orissa); Football Coaching Centre, Gorgaon, Nazira (Assam); Young Challenger’s Club, Rajkot (Gujarat); Jodhpur Football Academy (Rajasthan), Madhya Pradesh Football Association, Jabalpur; Haryana Football Association, Gurgaon; Bihar Football Association, Patna; besides the Chandigarh Football Association and Chandigarh Football Academy.