4) Ospina the savior for Colombia
Whilst the rest of bunch failed to show up, Colombia found their match-winner from the unlikeliest of players in David Ospina, who made a crucial save in the final moments of the match to force a shoot-out, and also made an excellent block in the penalties.
With hardly anything to do in the match, the Arsenal custodian was called into action in the final 5 minutes of the game when Peru won a corner and Paolo Guerrero’s kick was on its way towards Christian Ramos. A very vigilante Ospina, however, jumped to parry the shot away.
As a penalty shoot-out ensued, Ospina made another vital contribution when he denied Miguel Trauco in the third attempt, swinging the balance in Colombia’s favour. The Coffee Growers eventually won 4-2, and thanks in no small part to their man in between the sticks.