#4 Hunger
Nothing really matters without hunger. Actually, nothing really happens without hunger. It is the desire to achieve something – the inscrutable and insatiable hunger – that drives us to do something in order to get what we want.
For Cristiano Ronaldo, becoming the best is an obsession. Even at the age of 32, he trains and works just as hard – perhaps harder – and, more unbelievably, dreams of being the best till his late 30s is an indication of just how big his appetite is.
Every time he misses a chance or loses a game, he reacts in an aminated manner, which is often seen by many as tantrum or act of petulance, but the fact is that Ronaldo does not like to lose.
The late Steve Jobs said, "stay hungry, stay foolish" – and Cristiano Ronaldo is the epitome of that quote.