#5 Winning his second Ballon d'Or

It may seem arbitrary to have this particular Ballon d'Or as more important than some of his others when one considers the implications of this personal victory then it becomes clear why it fully deserves its place on the list.
Cristiano won his first Ballon Do'r during the 2008/09 season whilst still at Manchester United, he would have to wait another four seasons, however, before he would claim the prize for the second time.
Being the best player in the world is no secret desire of Ronaldo's, even from a younger age, and having to settle for second place to Lionel Messi no doubt infuriated the Portuguese.
It didn't dishearten him, however, as after an arduous absence as the world's best player he managed to win his second Ballon d'Or, breaking Messi's four-year stranglehold on the coveted prize.
Furthermore, this pivotal point for many marks the point in the last decade where Ronaldo redressed the balance in his rivalry with Messi, and where the Argentine had dominated between 2009-2012, the period between 2013-18 saw Ronaldo do the same.