Debatable Decisions EPL – Week 3



Week Three of the Premier League season sees us take a look at an unusual amount of penalty decisions and, somewhat less unusually, a surprising amount of incorrect decisions from the referees. We also take a look at a decision we missed last weekend, from the Norwich – QPR game and a follower gives us some food for thought on the tradition of retaking a penalty even if your team is at fault in the first place. Enjoy!


Swansea – Sunderland

Routledge Penalty Shout

Simon – This fairly nailed on. In fairness to Gardner he doesn’t have much time to get out of the way, but he does bring Routledge down and it’s fairly obvious that significant contact has been made. Not sure what the referee was watching.

Ant – I think Routledge runs into Gardner in a lame attempt to get a penalty.

Mike – It does look like Gardner blocks Routledge off. I think this should have been a penalty.


Callum – Blocked off, penalty.

David – I think the defenders left arm does go up to an unnatural point as Routledge tries to go past, which is the main issue for me. Leg’s a little bit out too. An illegal impediment.

Overall Verdict – Incorrect Decision

Fletcher Penalty Shout

Simon – Fletcher makes the most of it because I don’t think there’s enough contact to send him to the ground, but there is enough contact to disrupt his run and stop him from getting to the ball. It’s a clear push in the back and once again, not sure what the referee was up to when he missed this one.


Ant – I think the commentator is right that Fletcher makes the most of it there is a slight push but not enough for a penalty.

Mike – It’s impossible to tell if the defender’s hands simply touch Fletcher, or if there is any actual force in it. I think Fletcher can stay on his feet if he wants to, but it’s one of those where there’s probably enough for a penalty, too.


Callum – Muscling for the ball? Fletcher has gone down very easily, good to see no penalty was given.

David – He’s pushed in the back. While it’s debatable whether it was enough force to send him down, it was enough to mess up any chance he had to get on the end of the cross. That’s a foul and it should have been a penalty.

Overall Verdict – Incorrect Decision


Free Kick for Fletcher Goal

Simon – The ball hits his arm and there’s a pretty clear movement of the arm towards the ball. No arguments here.

Ant – I’d like to see this from another angle but to me it looks like his does move his arm out and if that’s the case it’s a free kick.

Mike – I’m torn here, almost to the point of not being able to say one way or the other. It’s such a close one in terms of distance between the player playing the ball and the defender’s arm. But there does appear to be some movement of arm to ball. Just about CORRECT, I guess. I’m not confident on this, though.


Callum – His hand is by his side, but he’s straightened it up in just before contact is made, towards the ball. Free-kick.

David – This is a close one for me. It’s possible he moved his arm to stop the ball, but in the end I’m not convinced it’s an intentional handle. Accidental.

Overall Verdict – Correct Decision

Chico Tackle on McLean (no card)

Simon – Chico comes lunging through the air, both feet off the ground and makes contact studs first. It might not be a horrific potential leg breaker, but he’s certainly not in control of his body and but for a few centimetres could have caused some serious damage. I think red would have been justified.


Ant – I think he should have been sent off, contact was made and could have seriously injured McClean.

Mike – There isn’t much actual contact. Indeed, Chico takes plenty of the ball. But I still feel it should be red because it’s totally uncontrolled and runs the risk of causing serious injury.

Callum – Call me whatever, but he’s won the ball first. We’d all be standing on the terraces telling him to get up.


David – A dangerous lunge, studs out, that could have caused serious injury. A red for sure.

Overall Verdict – Incorrect Decision

Chico Tackle On Saha (red awarded)

Simon – Crazy tackle and Saha is really lucky not to have taken Chico’s studs straight to the face. No idea what the defender is doing. It’s high, dangerous and basically mental. Red was the correct decision.

Ant – I’m not even sure what Chico was doing he was miles away from the ball. I think Saha made the most of it but I don’t think you can get away with this sort of thing.


Mike – Is he actually trying to decapitate Saha? Crazy, and so dangerous. We saw all those years ago with Petr Cech what football boots to the head can do.

Callum – Everybody was kung-fu fighting.. Wow. Even if he hasn’t touched Saha, which I don’t think he has, he’s almost taken his ear off. Sending off the correct decision.

David – Crazy challenge. I think Saha is simulating since I couldn’t see contact, but it doesn’t matter. That’s a stupidly high attempt that could have seen studs connect with face without any reasonable chance of getting the ball.


Overall Verdict – Correct Decision

West Brom – Everton

Jelavic Penalty Shout

Simon – This looks an awful lot like Jelavic running into a defender and falling over. In fact, that is what happens.

Ant – The West Brom player gets the ball and if anything Jelavic is the one that fouls him.

Mike – I think a penalty would be harsh. Both players go for the ball and seem to arrive at the same time. They both trip each other, to some extent.


Callum – Jelavic has run into the back of the West Brom player there, not a penalty for me.

David – An initially thought penalty…but only because I’d mixed up who was attacking and who was defending. Jelavic clatters into the back of the defender, doesn’t get the ball and goes down by his own fault.

Overall Verdict – Correct Decision

West Ham – Fulham

Carroll Penalty Shout

Simon – Carroll had three or four penalty shouts in this game, but this was the most noteworthy. A clear push in the back and no attempt to get near the ball from the defender. I wonder if sometimes the size and supposed strength of the victim plays a part in the referee’s decision. Either way, he got this one wrong.


Ant – I think there is more contact here than the Fletcher one. The Fulham defender doesn’t even look at the ball until he starts to push Carroll.

Mike – It’s really not that much of a push. Carroll’s swan-dive is impressive. Still, I think you could give a penalty there.

Callum – Leapt like a salmon. Knows he’s not getting it, so falls over. Not a penalty.

David – It’s a sickeningly theatrical fall from Carroll – there is no way he was forced to the ground against his will there – but a push is a push and might be enough to just put him off slightly. It’s illegal and should have been a penalty.


Overall Verdict – Incorrect Decision

Spurs – Norwich

Morrison Penalty Shout

Simon – How on earth does the linesman miss this, nevermind the referee? Morrison might have a bit of Assou-Ekotto’s shirt, but BAE is almost dragging the shirt off Morrison’s back. As clear a case of shirt pulling as you’re ever likely to see.

Ant – I’m not sure how this could not be given, shirt pulling is something that needs stamping out and if penalties were given for this sort of thing it would help get rid of it.


Mike – They’re both pulling each other’s shirts, although perhaps Assou-Ekotto is the more forceful. In any case, it starts outside the box and maybe should have been a free-kick. I’ll say CORRECT because of the fact they’re both guilty of shirtpulling.

Callum – FIFA would have a field day if his shirt was ripped off. Who would they book? Don’t think he could ask for anymore of Morrison’s shirt, started outside the box though, so would be a penalty.


David – I’m not sure how to call this one because they’re both pulling each other’s shirts. Morrison was getting it worse though and lost control of the ball when he could have had a shot at goal. For that, I’d have given a penalty.

Overall Verdict – Incorrect Decision

Huddlestone Red Card

Simon – I’ll hold my hands up here and admit that I initially called this as a correct decision, but on viewing the other judge’s comments I decided to have a few closer looks and the more I watched it the less convinced I became that it wasn’t worth a red. Studs aren’t showing, he looks to be in control of his slide and doesn’t seem to be going in too hard. I think a yellow would have sufficed.


Ant – I think both players collide with each other once the ball has gone, I think Huddlestone does go in harder and maybe a yellow card would have been enough.

Mike – This has since been rescinded, but you could argue it’s uncontrolled and potentially dangerous. They are obviously both nowhere near the ball, but neither is there much force in either player’s slide. I think a yellow would have been enough.


Callum – His feet are on the floor, doesn’t look like he’s going at much speed, and they’ve both missed the ball. Not endangering the player, incorrect decision.

David – Again, I think both men are at fault here. Both slide in dangerously with studs showing on one foot. Unlike the other decision in this game, I can’t see one side gaining a significant advantage because of it. As odd as it may seem, I’m gonna say it’s half right. Howson should have seen red too. Correct for Huddlestone, Incorrect for Howson.


Overall Verdict – Incorrect Decision (though rescinded it did affect the game and is counted)

Wigan – Stoke

Penalty for Huth Handball In Area

Simon – Frome one view this looks like a really harsh decision, because of the proximity with which the shot is struck and how little time Huth has to get out of the way. Then you see the view from behind the goal and you see that Huth’s arm is sticking out in a pretty unnatural manner and you wonder why it’s there because it’s not helping with balance etc. I think the referee was right to award this and I think it was a great spot too.


Ant – I hate judging handballs, this one is correct obviously the ball hits Huths arm and stops a shot on goal.

Mike – I don’t think he deliberately handballs it but his arm is in a stupid position. It should really be penalty.

Callum – His arm is clearly out, it’s a penalty.

David – No way should his arm be out like that. Unnatural in my eyes.

Overall Verdict – Correct Decision


Penalty for Figueroa Handball In Area

Simon – This is way more clear cut than the Huth incident. The replay shows Figueroa move his hand toward the ball and it’s a definite penalty. Bizarre defending, though. A packed penalty area and little to no daylight for Crouch, why not make him work for it?

Ant – Another handball and another correct decision. I think that the amount of contact makes it hard not to give a penalty.


Mike – This is another one that I don’t feel is deliberate, but I still think is a penalty. His arm is right up in the air.

Callum – It’s rolled off his chest, but it’s hit his hand, which is up to the side of his head. Penalty.

David – He is trying to get his arm out of the way, but it’s way too high up to be dismissed. Can’t be considered a “natural” position.


Overall Verdict – Correct Decision

Southampton – Man Utd

Van Persie Penalty

Simon – This is as clear as they come. Defender goes straight through the back of the attacker and I think it’s a disgrace that he dare even try and argue his case with the referee. A disgraceful display of cheating.

Ant – Van Persie invites the tackle and the Southampton defender goes straight through him, correct decision.

Mike – I think Hooiveld gets something on the ball but it’s a sliding tackle from behind. You can’t tackle through the man anymore. Penalty.


Callum – He won the ball, but got the man at the same time, so it’s got to be a penalty.

David – Very clumsy. If RVP’s left leg isn’t taken out his right one certainly was.

Overall Verdict – Correct Decision

Liverpool – Arsenal

Suarez Penalty Shout

Simon – Jesus. What were the referee’s on this weekend? A silly number of poor penalty decisions and missed calls. Mertesacker is being beaten for pace by Suarez and is trying to make up for it by hitching a ride on the Uruguayan’s back. Wonder if Suarez’s reputation played a part in this decision.


Ant – In my eyes Suarez goes down way to easily, I’d still question why the defender has his hands on Suarez but there’s not enough contact to award a penalty.

Mike – I believe this to be a penalty. Sure, Suarez goes down easily, but Mertesacker is all over him, for some reason.

Callum – Is Suarez getting there? Surely he can pull away from Mertesacker. The defender’s arms are all over Suarez though, however it started outside the box. Free kick and yellow card at best.


David – Certainly seems like Suarez is being impeded here. This is his reputation working against him I think.

Overall Verdict – Incorrect Decision


The following decision has been carried over from Week 3 and was brought to our attention by Tony Symonds (@CantonsHero). An act of encroachment from Bobby Zamora as Djibril Cisse scored QPR’s penalty against Norwich. As per our rules, if it is decided that the penalty should have been retaken then it will be judged as scored, but the incident could still go down as incorrect decision in QPR’s favour because a retaken penalty might have been saved. Hope that makes sense.


Tony raises an interesting point along with this decision. Is there a more peculiar rule in football than offering a team a second chance to score because one of their players has committed an offence?

Norwich – QPR

Zamora Encroachment

Simon – First up, apologies for missing this one last week. Secondly, he’s a good metre inside the area and the penalty should have been retaken. The only blight on this as a decision in QPR’s favour is that the Norwich players are encroaching too, but I think that’s more as a reaction to QPR’s encroachment. Either way, should have been retaken and should go gown as a decision against Norwich because Ruddy might have saved the new spot kick, but still goes down as a goal.


Ant – Zamora is well in the area once the ball is hit, if the penalty was scored I’m not sure how much of a problem I’d have with it but because Zamora end up scoring I think it should have been retaken.

Mike – Should definitely have been retaken. Zamora has encroached into the area before the penalty is taken.

Callum – Was Zamora trying to take the penalty? Should have been retaken.


David – Players from both sides step into the area before the kick is taken, but Zamora is ahead of all of them by a foot, which allows him to hit the rebound.

Overall Verdict – Incorrect Decision


You can follow all five judges on Twitter; Simon M – @Deb_Decisions, Callum – @callummaclean91, Ant – @Acidburn81, Mike – @mkobylko, David @NFBblog, and Simon F – @SFurnivall.

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