Derby County: The sacking of Nigel Clough

Nigel Clough

Nigel Clough

I know this is a cricket blog, but I’m saddened by the sacking of Nigel Clough by Derby County.

Yes, we have been mid-table for a few seasons and we’ve lost three straight games, two against local rivals, but the man has done well on little money, shopping in the bargain basement and bringing through youngsters while playing an attractive brand of football. The names being banded around as a successor have not done that in most cases and it is a fine art that should not be underestimated.

It is much the same challenge for Karl Krikken. His job would be much easier if he could go and sign four established professionals of proven quality at the commensurate cost, but he can’t. Progress will therefore be slower, but perhaps all the more rewarding when it happens.

Like Clough, he has made decisions that not everyone agreed with, but he is paid to make them and does so ahead of the event, rather than, like most of us, being wise after it. Hard though it is after a heavy loss, better is the man who takes time to think things through, before coming out with knee-jerk comments and decisions.

Like all Rams I wish Nigel well and thank him for his efforts in trimming down an obscene club with far too many overpaid players, to a lean outfit that sometimes fought above its weight.

Patience is a virtue and I’m glad the summer game still holds such things as worthwhile. As for football, it only confirms why I fell out of love with it some time ago.

Edited by Staff Editor
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