#5 Marko Arnautovic (Austria)
Marko Arnautovic currently plays for Stoke City. He is also a Champions league winner with Inter Milan and is a seasoned campaigner. He can play anywhere across the front line and uses his well-built body very effectively. Having already represented his country on 52 occasions, he has scored 12 goals for them. It is not only his goals that Austria need, but they also require his creative and dribbling ability which is one of the best they have at their disposal.
He had a successful campaign with Stoke City where he chipped in with a club-high 11 goals and 6 assists in the Premier League. Not only is Arnautovic renowned for his skills with the feet, but he also uses his 192 cms tall frame to good effect when it comes to battles in the air.
The Hungarian defenders should be ready to deal with this battering ram of a player if they somehow want to salvage something from this game. His versatility is what makes him an even more potent a threat. He can hold up the play, can involve in good ground passing games as well as long balls. It is his concentration and attitude, though, which are his weaknesses. But on his day, he can simply destroy a defence.