4) Elijah Wood and Russell Brand
Team: West Ham United
Frodo Baggins has come along from The Shire to Upton Park while shooting his film ‘Green street hooligans’, in which he was seen as an American youngster visiting East London and how he became a part of the notorious West Ham fan base. Elijah was mesmerised by the atmosphere and the time he had to spend in the Bobby Moore stand cheering the team. His short experience living in Green street saw him become a hardcore fan of the club.
Comedian/Actor Russell Brand is another huge fan of the Hammers who found affection for the club through his father who is die hard supporter himself. Brand is known for constantly turning up at the clubs games and displaying dramatic affections for the club.
Russell Brand’s former fiancee Katy Perry was once spotted donning a West Ham outfit at the MTV Awards so much is his love for the club that actor even got himself a West Ham tattoo on his body. Brand also has a knack for kissing West Ham managers in the past.