#3 It represents the best opportunity for Champions League qualification

Increase in revenue from Television rights and merchandise sales means that Premier League clubs are richer than at any other point in history, and have more funds to purchase the best players across the world.
The concordant effect of this is that the competition for top places in the league is tighter than ever, as hitherto non-challenging clubs such as Tottenham and Manchester City now find themselves firmly established in the upper cadre of Premier League football.
Indeed, Arsenal found this out the hard way, as they failed to finish in the top four in the last two seasons, having made it in each of the previous 21 consecutively. Also, heavyweights Manchester United have not won the league since 2013 and missed out on Europe's top competition three times in the last five years.
With competition for Champions League qualification as stiff as ever, Chelsea could use the Europa League as an avenue to make it to the UCL by winning it, in the same way, that Manchester United did in 2017 despite finishing 6th in the league.