The Football Players’ Association of India (FPAI) has announced the nominees for the “Fans’ Player of the Year 2013″ for the fifth FPAI Indian Football Awards to be held in Mumbai next month. The players have been nominated for their strong performances for their respective clubs in the I-League in the 2012/13 season. Now the Indian football fans have the chance to chose their “Fans’ Player of the Year 2013″. The winner will be announced at the FPAI Indian Football Awards on May 23 in Mumbai.
The players who have been named as the top seven candidates all had a great season!
The Candidates (more infos on their Wikipedia pages)
- Lenny Rodrigues (Churchill Brothers, India)
- Lalrindika Ralte (East Bengal Club, India)
- Lalkamal Bhowmick (Prayag United SC, India)
- James Joseph Saeed Moga (Pune FC, South Sudan)
- Zohib Islam Amiri (Mumbai FC, Afghanistan)
- Carlos Hernández Valverde (Prayag United SC, Costa Rica)
- Izumi Arata (Pune FC, India)
The voting opens tomorrow Wednesday, May 1.
You can all cast your vote at !
About FPAI
The FPAI (Football Players Association of India), India’s apex football players’ body, was set up with Baichung Bhutia as its president in 2006 and represents the interests of all I-League and first division footballers. FPAI is formally affiliated to the Fédération Internationale des Associations de Footballeurs Professionnels (FIFPro), the worldwide representative organization for professional football players.