The Football Players Association of India (FPAI) have announced that the ‘Indian Football Awards 2014’ will be held at the Park Hotel in Kolkata on April 29. This will be the sixth edition of FPAI’s annual awards night and for the third time its being held in Kolkata after 2009 and 2011.
Awards in several categories like Best Indian Player, Best Foreigner, Best Coach, Best Young Player will be given out based on votes of I-League players while the Fans’ Player of the Year nominees have also been announced.
The eight nominees are – Karanjit Singh (Salgaocar), Arnab Mondal (East Bengal), Beikhokhei Beingaichho (Bengaluru FC), Balwant Singh (Churchill Brothers), Katsumi Yusa (Mohun Bagan), Boithang Haokip (Shillong Lajong FC), Victorino Fernandes (Sporting Clube de Goa) and Douhou Pierre (Pune FC).
Fans can cast their vote by going to the official FPAI website with the voting opening on April 8 and closing on April 27.