#3 Girik Khosla shines in free role

Prior to the match, all eyes were on Chencho to deliver for Minerva Punjab. But it was the wunder-kid from Mumbai, Girik Khosla, who troubled the opposition with his clever off the ball movements.
He may not have troubled Churchill with shots and passes but he consistently confused the opposition with his clever positioning. Khosla was handed a free role by his coach and he made the most of it, floating around to all parts of the final third.
At times, he and Chencho swapped positions on the wings. At times, he positioned himself between Chencho and Opoku, acting as a cushion man. On the rare occasion, he even operated as a target man and once, came close to scoring from a header. The visitors found it hard to man mark him and his clever movements enabled his teammates to venture forward and do the damage. Girik was a live-wire today.