Mohun Bagan have confirmed the appointment of the legendary Subhash Bhowmick as their technical director for the 2014-15 season. Bhowmick’s arrival marks the end of Moroccan coach Karim Bencherifa’s second spell at the club.
The announcement was made after a meeting on Tuesday between senior club officials and the technical committee comprising former footballers Sibaji Banerjee, Compton Dutta and Satyajit Chatterjee.
Bhowmick had served as Churchill Brothers technical director for two and half seasons but is now returning to Mohun Bagan for a third spell. He started his coaching career at Mohun Bagan in 1990-91 and then returned in 2010-11 to take charge as the technical director but left at the end of that campaign..
The former India striker has won the league three times in his coaching career – twice with East Bengal and the latest one coming in 2012-13 when he was the technical director of Churchill Brothers.
An AFC A licensed head coach will also be announced in the coming days and thus Mohun Bagan will have a ninth different coach since February 2010. The Kolkata club have been trophyless for the last four seasons and finished eighth in the 2013-14 I-League.