Mumbai City Football Club announced the commencement of ticket sales for the upcoming season of the Indian Super League. The start of ticket sales marks the beginning of the countdown of the ISL Season 3, scheduled to begin from 1st October 2016.
The sale of tickets will go live from 26th September on team will play 7 matches at home, with the first home match scheduled on 7th October against Northeast United FC. The Shahaji Raje Bhosle Kreeda Sankul, known popularly as the Mumbai Football Arena boasts of a 9000 seating capacity and a newly laid turf which recent witnessed the packed houses for the India-Puerto Rico friendly match.
Fans can enjoy live football action at all seven home matches, with attractive ticket pricing - General Stands priced at Rs 250; General Stand with sideline view at Rs 650 and VIP stand tickets at Rs 3000 per ticket.
Ranbir Kapoor, Co-owner, Mumbai City FC said, "I am excited to announce that we are live with tickets for the new season, in our new home, Mumbai Football Arena. It is a great new stadium in the heart of the city. We wanted to make the live match viewing experience a lot more accessible to everyone, and are confident that we will see more people joining in on the amazing match day atmosphere that the fans of Mumbai are famous for.
“We are sure that Forlan, Sunil and the rest of the boys will give the fans enough moments to cheer, and, along with our boisterous fans, make this stadium the most feared place to visit for away teams."
After the first home match on 7th October, the other home matches are scheduled on 11th October, 21st October, 10th November, 19th November, 23rd November and 3rd December. All matches start at 7pm IST making it an enjoyable evening out with friends and family.
The team’s inaugural match of ISL-3 will be against FC Pune City on 3rd October 2016 at Balewadi Stadium, Pune at 19:00 IST.