The Kerala Blasters fans, over the last three seasons of ISL, have attracted a lot of attention for their fiercely passionate support of the Kochi-based football team. They throng the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in Kochi by the thousands, fling the decibels through the roof with their chants, and of course paint the stadium into a magnificent sea of yellow, whenever the Blasters play a home game.
This time, however, the Blasters fans completely outdid themselves after Kerala’s third ISL 2017 match against Mumbai City FC.
A number of the Kerala Blasters fans stayed back long after the match, which ended in a 1-1 draw, and took it upon themselves to clean the stadium.
In a video posted on the official Facebook page of the Manjappada fan club, we can see plenty of fans staying back to clean up the stadium after all the mess left behind post the football match.
The stand is seen completely littered with plastic bottles, a sight that is not welcoming for any big sporting event. However, the Kerala fans came fully prepared to tackle such garbage, as many of them appeared with face-masks, protective gloves, and plenty of plastic bags to store the garbage in.
This kind of an approach is like a breath of fresh air for Indian football and is something that would only help the beautiful game better. It is, after all, their ‘home’ stadium, and one would always like to keep their home clean. This initiative by the Manjappada fans is something that other fan-bases across the country could take a cue from.