Kerala Blasters fans have been hit with an unfortunate headline that their star defender Anas Edathodika will have to sit out the first 3 matches for his team. Anas will be serving a three-match ban, handed by the All India Football Federation (AIFF) during the Super Cup that took place in April. The 31-year-old made a move to Blasters this season after a stint with Jamshedpur FC.
A brawl broke out between the players, when Jamshedpur FC faced FC Goa on April 12 in a Super Cup match. The incident led to 6 players including Anas, being sent-off. He was later penalized with a three-match ban and 1 lakh fine, which will be in effect during the first 3 matches for the Kerala franchise.
The Kerala-born player had worn outfits for various clubs outside his home state, and was eager to make his first local appearance. Anas will have a golden opportunity playing alongside Sandesh Jhingan, his national side defence partner, and is expected to be the pillar at the back for the yellow army. However, missing him for the 3 crucial matches against ATK, Mumbai City FC and Delhi Dynamos is sure to be a setback for David James.
“I am banned for the first three matches. If you take a look at the video, you can see that I did nothing wrong. I was trying to prevent the players from getting into a fight. Only now did I come to know that you get a ban if you try to hold somebody! I don't know who hit whom. I was holding on to the coach Derrick Pereira so that he doesn't get into the fight. You can ask him. I have played under him at Pune FC in 2012 and he has taught me a lot. So I was supporting him and holding on to him. I did not hit him,” said Anas at an ISL event in Bangalore."
“I was given 1 lakh fine and a three-match ban. I can understand the fine but I don't understand the three-match ban," stated the former Delhi Dynamos and Jamshedpur FC stopper, at the ISL Media Day at Bangalore.