#1 Impressive Pranoy stole the limelight

A player like Pronay Halder can give you solidity in the defensive line. He is playing well this season and that’s why he’s been picked by the club. He’s bought to show things in the middle of the park. Among the Indian players, he’s surely the one you would want him in your team. He’s not afraid to dish it out; he can take opponents well as we’ve seen tonight. But it’s the determination that made him so successful.
During a battle, Lenny Rodrigues’s elbow hit on Pronay’s face. The midfielder needed lengthy treatment on the field as blood was oozing out of his nose. In most of the cases, the players would have gone off with this kind of injury. But Pronay didn’t. He asked the doctors to strap him up. He looked like an alien for the rest of the match, but he performed valiantly. He even stood on the wall when the opponent players were taking free-kick. He was even stamped on his face by Ferran Corominas.
With the kind off strapping he had on his nose, it was difficult to breathe. Football is a game where you constantly have to run and for that, you need to breathe. Pronay did the breathing only with his mouth and played the whole match like that. It takes enough courage to do that.