#5 Atletico de Kolkata
The team logo is the sublime amalgam of Spanish-Bengali cultural elements and brings out the collaboration of the team with Atletico Madrid. It symbolizes power, magnificence and fierceness of the Royal Bengal Tiger hybridized with The Phoenix, a mythical creature that denotes perpetuity. The tiger's stripes in the logo indicate that this is a team that has earned its stripes thanks to the pedigree and legacy inherited, first from Kolkata's long-standing association with football, and second, from the expertise brought in by Atletico de Madrid.
The five stars that form a circle in tandem with the Tiger's wing-span represent the five owners of Atletico de Kolkata. The colour red that denotes energy, danger, strength, power and determination is infused with a touch of blue- which brings stability, loyalty, wisdom, and faith. The yellow-gold, reserved for the winged tiger and the five stars, reinforces the sense of royalty, majesty and illustriousness that is part and parcel of Atletico de Kolkata's identity. The red and blue also indicate the colours of the parent club, Atletico Madrid.