Rickardo Kaka, a newcomer in the Major Soccer League, had a memorable first outing with his new franchise Orlando City. The fallen virtuoso managed to convert a spot kick in the 33rd minute, before being withdrawn at half time. The 32-year-old led his new side to victory as they thumped FC Dallas by a margin of four goals in an unpretentious pre-season friendly.
Kaka joined the MLS side from AC Milan on a free contract this season after being loaned to Brazilian club Sao Paulo last year. This is considered to be the last phase of the splendid odyssey he has had in football . The former Ballon d'Or winner has fallen a long way from his peak. Regardless of this, the maestro is nowhere near where he truly deserves to be. Injuries coupled with bad managing skills by the then Real Madrid manager Jose Mourinho left his career in tatters .
The Brazilian playmaker is all set to enthral his new set of fans as the team looks forward to attack on all fronts during their quest for the championship.