The Western India Football Association yesterday named the Maharashtra men's football team for the 35th National Games to be held in Kerala from February 1 to 10. Maharashtra was one of the seven states invited for the 35th National Games - Men's Football competition due to them reaching the semifinals of the 68th Santosh Trophy last year.
Air India's Vijith Shetty has been named captain, while his club coach Godfrey Pereira has been named the state coach.
Maharashtra have been drawn in Group A and would face hosts Kerala on February 1, Goa on February 3 and Tamil Nadu on February 5 for a place in the semifinals.
Ubaid C.K., Chetan Dawdhariya, Sachin Gawas, Raviraj Kurne, Omkar Singh, Mohamed Irshad T.V., Nitesh Monde, Mohd. Shafique, Faisal T., Vijit Shetty (Captain), Siddarth Nayak, Akshay Kamble, Shahbaz Pathan, Shakti Singh Thakur, Vaibhav Shirley, Praveen Sharma, Karan Atwal, Jay Kumar Patil, Sandesh Gadkari, Abhishek Ambekar
Godfrey Pereira (Head Coach), Sudhakar Rane (Manager), Kiran Chougule (Head de Mission)